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Music Curriculum


A balanced music curriculum at Stanton School enables the children to develop their musical creativity through practical and exploratory opportunities to develop as performers, song makers, composers, improvisers and listeners.  Through deliberate practice, children become fluent in their knowledge of music. Singing is at the heart of our school and children enjoy learning and performing a range of different songs in assemblies and also in the classroom.  As they move through school, the children should also develop an increasing understanding of the history of music, learning about music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians.  Music promotes diversity and is used to express the children’s personal, emotional, social and cultural identity.  Children not only learn about music, but they will develop a love of music, becoming musicians who are able to share and perform using their new knowledge.


Our whole school approach to the teaching and learning of music involves the following:

  • Units follow the charanga scheme.
  • Music is taught in a one hour slot each week.
  • A new unit is started each half term.
  • Each unit works towards a final performance.
  • All children have the opportunity to learn an instrument in each year group.
  • Musical notation is also taught in lessons.
  • A variety of genres and time periods are explored.
  • CPD Insets provided to teachers to ensure high quality subject knowledge.
  • Half termly ‘Arts Award’ given to a child excelling in the arts.
  • Halt termly song performances by year groups following a specific topic.
  • Weekly whole school singing assemblies.


Our music curriculum is planned to demonstrate progression year on year.  In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods: 

  • Pupil voice
  • Learning walks
  • Staff surveys
  • Arts Award
  • Recordings of final performances
  • Live performances during assemblies